• Dr. David Alan Gilbert's avatar
    Allow rdma_delete_block to work without the hash · 03fcab38
    Dr. David Alan Gilbert authored
    In the next patch we remove the hash on the destination,
    rdma_delete_block does two things with the hash which can be avoided:
      a) The caller passes the offset and rdma_delete_block looks it up
         in the hash; fixed by getting the caller to pass the block
      b) The hash gets recreated after deletion; fixed by making that
         conditional on the hash being initialised.
    While this function is currently only used during cleanup, Michael
    asked that we keep it general for future dynamic block registration
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDr. David Alan Gilbert <dgilbert@redhat.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJuan Quintela <quintela@redhat.com>